Thursday, February 27, 2014

Learning to Love Learning

Hi Guys,

     What is learning to you? What comes to mind when you think of learning. I think of school, long classes, and longer homework assignments.  I think mostly about how much time and effort it takes to learn. Most of the time when we think about learning it has a certain note of displeasure. We have been trained in a way to dislike learning because of all of the time and effort it takes to do so. We as a society get so caught up in this worlds instant gratification. If we don't know something we can just type it into a search box and in a instant have more knowledge at our finger tips than we know what to do with. We then do a short search for the most simplistic answer we can get and then our curiosity is filled and we forget all about what we searched for. I just have to raise the question did we really learn anything out of this short experience? Or, will we have to repeat the whole process when a similar question, or even the same question, arise again.
     There is a much larger meaning to learning than just to learn. What is learning? Just a bunch of random answers and facts to memorize? I believe it is more than that. Learning is more about learning how to learn. It is about being able to take a question about the world around you and being able to find an answer. We are suppose exercise our minds and try to grasp concepts that we as individuals and as a world have yet to understand. There is always something new to understand. When we learn something new it should, and usually does, open up a whole new or different concept. Take for example when a child first learns to talk. They start to understand new worlds, then they learn the alphabet, then they learn to spell, and to write sentences, paragraphs, and eventually papers. Then you look at how that opens up to whole other languages and how to write and read in those languages. It is a never ending expansion of where we can go with just one small piece of information.

That is just one reason to love learning. The fact that it never ends, there is always something else out there to learn. Another reason to love learning is because all the knowledge that we gain helps us develop ourselves. The more you understand about how the world works and how people think and human tendencies; the more you will understand who you are and what you stand for. You will begin to understand what makes you who you are and understand how that effect the people around you. Which leads me to another reason to love learning. You can always take what you learn and use it to help others. every skill you obtain through learning can be used to help your fellow human beings.
     One important thing to understand though is that you can't force yourself to love learning. I think it comes from a desperate desire to want to know more and to understand the things around us. A desire for learning, I feel, comes from another desire that requires knowledge.

One Phrasers to Ponder On:
- Failure is a learning opportunity
- You have to teach your kids to learn to learn in the home because it is not taught anywhere else.
- There is no such thing as a passive learner.
- Knowledge = Confidence in ones abilities.

LDS Perspective
The Holy Ghost is the teacher who helps us obtain a love for learning. The Holy Ghost is a great teacher to all of those who will listen to and heed its promptings. I then have to ask: If we do not want to learn and do not look for learning opportunities, does that mean that we do not want the companionship of the Holy Ghost?

Resources for this post can be found in the resources tab. Number's 1 and 2.
These two articles do this topic more justice than I do.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read about learning. There is a lot of information that I did not cover because it would be impossible for me to explain everything. But I hope this give you enough information that you will want to know more.

Please feel free to ask me anything. (There is a comment section below.) No question is a bad question. I want this to be a place of discussion and learning.

Thanks Again!!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

This Blog Needs A Face Lift

Hey Everyone!

I have official decided not to give up on my blog just because it is not an assignment for a class!
I just kind of stop posting but never stopped wondering if I would enjoy bloging more if it were on my own terms. So! This is attempt number two of trying to be a crazy bloging fool. I really like sharing what I have been learning and I have so much that I want to share with everyone. I enrolled in a parenting class this semester and it has been a blast! In the next week or two I hope to write 4 or 5 post to catch you all up on what I have learned this far. Hopeful I will be able to give you guys some better opportunities to share your thoughts and questions.

Just a little sneak peak of what the topics of the next posts will be:
- Learning to Love Learning
- Parenting Based on Principles
- Types of Parenting
- A Child'sTemperment
- Rewards and Punishments
- Kids and Technology

I am really excited about all of these topics and can't wait to hear what you guys think!

Also, I hope you guys like the new look of the site. If you guys are having a hard time navigating the site or something is difficult to find or read please let me know.

Thanks so much for reading!