Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kids and Technology

I think it is safe to say that this world that we live in is over run by technology. Every where you turn their is some kind of technological device used to entertain us or make our lives"easier." There is television, computers, phones, smart devices, blenders, microwaves, hair curlers, and straighteners. The list could go on and on. What I want to focus on today is, social media, video games/television, and our use of the internet.

It is no secret that kids now spend to much time on the internet and sitting in front of the T.V. The question is why shouldn't they? What is the problem with spending their time this way? I am going to break it down into 4 sections.

I think that it is a huge concern that kids don't know how to talk to people any more. They are very good at expressing themselves on the internet or through text but become quiet clueless when it come to interacting with people face to face. I actually have a friend who always asks me to order for her at restaurant or pay for her at a store so that she doesn't have to talk to anyone. It is hard for me because I know that she is legitimately scared but I also know that I am doing no favor for her by always doing it for her.
I don't remember if my teacher said it in class or it was a quote from somewhere, but I have a quote written in my notes that I love. It says: "Have we focused so much on individualizing ourselves that we no longer know how to be an us. To be together" I really think that society has lost the ability to be together. We don't know how to interact with people. It has become hard and awkward. I just have to wonder if One reason could be that when we are on our devices "talking" to people we loose sight that we are actually talking to a real human being. Even now as I type this, I know I am talking to someone, but no one specifically.
Self Worth
Are our children running to the internet instead of us to fulfill their needs? Are we giving the love and affection that they need in order to feel good about themselves? Have we taught them that they are important people in our lives? If we do not meet children needs they will go else where to find acceptance and importance. And one of those places that they run is the internet. They will spend hours online drowning themselves in social media, gaming, endless seasons of television shows.
This reminds me of a scripture Mormon 8:39
 Personally I want my future children to be self-sufficient and not lean on things that have "no life" to make them happy.
Safety Concerns
It is very real thing to become addicted to technology. It is a real danger that can take away from your life. It becomes an habit that you can not escape from. You feel that you need to check Facebook again for the umpteenth time that day. You think about what you are going to do on the internet later when you can't be on it. It can start to consume who you are. I have a roommate that is highly addicted to social media. She has 7 different social medias that she keeps on 7 days a week 24 hours a day. She always has her smart phone on her and can often be found on her computer and her phone at the same time.
Cyber Bulling 
This is a real threat that has finely been recognized in our society. Anyone can be tormented anywhere they go. Words can cut deep and last forever. Parents need to be aware of this threat, keep up on how often our kids are on the internet and talk to them about what they are seeing on the internet.
We Can Use Technology In Better Ways
The last thing that I want to talk about briefly is that there are better things that we could be doing both on and off the internet. We can use the internet to uplift others and help people really think. To get them to learn and think about what they are learning. These electronics can bless our lives if we use them appropriately.

This is a great video about our use of technology, there is also a link for the full talk.
Things as they really are:
HERE is also a speech given by a class mate on this topic.

Thanks so much for reading guys! Let me know your thoughts about what I write, about your questions, about the site, concerns, and what ever else! Bye! Have a Great Day!!!!!

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