Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Proclamation Series: Gender and Eternal Identity

This post focuses on the second paragraph of The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

"ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose."

So, I am realizing that these posts about the proclamation are very heavy in a lot of very core values and beliefs of the LDS church. This can be hard to convey to those who have never heard of some of this stuff before. I don't really know who all reads this, so, I want to make it clear that I never intend to offend anyone. I just want to share what I have been learning and some of my beliefs. Please know I am open to questions and want to help increase understanding and knowledge, nothing more. I also want to thank everyone who does read and I hope that someone out there is gaining something from what I share. 

I know and believe that we are spirit sons and daughters of God. I believe that we had our genders and personalities before this life and that it will continue to be a part of who we are after this life. I really think that our gender is a part of what makes us who we are. I know that there are lot of studies that have been conducted on whether or not gender is a product of nature or a product of nurture, or in other words our environment or social influence. 

I really believe that gender is in born. It is not just about the equipment that  comes with each kind of gender that makes us a boy or a girl. It really think at each gender has roles. I am not trying to be sexist here at all either. There are really differences between men and women but each is so essential in life. There are the stereotypes of how men bring home the bacon and women stay at home to be house wives, but what were those stereotypes based off of? Answer? Talents and skill sets. Women are better nurtures most of the time, women pay attention to details, and enjoy things that take place in the home. Men are stronger and think more logical most of the time, they are able to put aside emotions at time when they need to. Now I know all of that sounds sexist but just because there may be some talents that women are better at then men it doesn't mean that men can't have those talents. and the same goes for women. 

People today focus so much on equality that we have let go of the idea that difference are not a bad thing. My fiance and I have tons of differences as well as similarities and they both make us a stronger couple, and I know that our differences will one day make us stronger parents. He is better at setting down the law and will make sure that our kids get punishments they deserve to teach them. I am a lot softer and want to make sure that the kid understands the situation and know that there loved. If we mesh our talents/ perspectives, and come before our kids as a united front then they will get the best of both worlds. Our similarities are strengths as well because we agree on principles that should be taught to children. And I could give many more example just like that where both similarities and differences create a positive out come.

Women especially are fighting their roles today. What is done in the home is looked down on as wasting potential and not being gratifying.  WHY!?!?! How is it not gratifying to raise a child? To be the one who raised such an amazing person. To touch someones life? Is that not something that brings satisfaction? Don't you feel good when you help someone in need or teach someone a new skill? Why can't a mother feel good about helping, teaching, and raising a child then? there are people that devote their lives to helping those in need. Who is a child but someone who is in need. They need guidance, knowledge, and love. And if you raise them right they will go out and touch more peoples lives. Being a mother is the most satisfying job that a person can have in my opinion. It is a way to leave a lasting impression on the world that influences so much of how people live and function. The way a mother teaches and what she teaches is what gives so much influences on people. For good or bad. 

Well thanks for reading my rant and I hope there was some insight in there. 
Here are a few extra readings to continue your search for knowledge. 

-The Moral Force of Women By Elder D. Todd Christofferson
-Elder D. Todd Christofferson, “Brethren We Have A Work To Do"
-Elder D. Todd Christofferson,"Let Us Be Men”

Thanks for reading!!!!
If you have question please don't hesitate to ask,or if you have thoughts or something to add please do!

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