Saturday, November 23, 2013


Once upon a time I struggled to put my thoughts together into a coherent paragraph that others would understand and be edified by. This is that moment. In all seriousness though, I really am not sure how to describe what I have learned in this section. Which is ironic because it is about communication. I seriously have pages of notes, but it is so random it can not be organized into one or two thoughts. So I will ramble until something comes to me. 

In the last post I talked a little about how important communication is. This week we talked about what kind of communication we should use. Communication is more than just the words you say. You communicate with your body movements, with your eyes, and with your tone of voice. Humans can pick up on the littlest things that can completely change the meaning of your words. For example when we use sarcasm. We say one thing but actually mean the complete opposite. It can be quite confusing and cause a lot of  problems in communication. When we are speaking we need to know first of all what we are saying and then we need to be clear. It often helps to repeat back in our own words what others have said in order to fully understand. If we are right in our understand the other person will confirm it and if it is wrong they will correct us and help in our understanding. I think over all though we need to be open and involved in the conversation You have to want to come to a consensus not just a conclusion. We are not trying to win a fight, we are trying to come up to the best solution for each other and our family.

Well that is pretty short and kinda jumbled thoughts, but I hope it was a little informative. Thanks so much for reading! Questions always welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, your post wasn't too jumbled! I liked that you discussed the potential issues of sarcasm. It is so easy to be hurt through sarcasm as it undermines truth. Elder Marvin J. Ashton has said, "No one can teach or help with sarcasm or ridicule." This is such a powerful statement which seems to truly illuminate the truth that sarcasm can be destructive. What do you believe are some of the best ways to communicate? How can we become better communicators?
